I founded and continue to publish content on the Outdoor Girl site for my personal enjoyment. From time to time, I may give an opinion on a product or service. Please note that this is just my opinion, I’m not an expert and other people’s opinions may differ.

I do review products and services on this site from time to time. To keep them independent and free from conflicts of interest, I stand by the following guidelines:

  • If a product or service is something I know, love, and trust, I may be interested in featuring it on this site.

  • Reviews must be relevant for this site and from a known and trustworthy source.

  • This site receives no payment or other compensation for advertising.

  • This site receives no payment or other compensation for reviews of products or services.

  • If I receive a free sample for test, I will explicitly state that in the review.

  • Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of a product being reviewed.

  • Acceptance of a free sample does not guarantee a review. My view is that if I cannot say something nice, I don’t say anything at all. If I like a product, I’ll review it. If not, I’m not going to embarrass a supplier.

With the above in mind, note that I am always honest in reviews. I share both the positive and negative features found to give the best information I can for my readers.

I also write a note at the end of a review when something has been provided free of charge for test and review purposes.

Following the guidelines above means readers know they can trust my objectivity when it comes to reviews.